Old head lonnie

Old Head Lonnie

Misinformation thrives online because users tend to aggregate in communities of interest, which causes reinforcement and fosters confirmation bias, segregation and polarisation.

To counter a belief in a hoax or conspiracy, it’s helpful to ask a hesitant individual, “what information would help you accept, for example, a Covid vaccine or that a moon landing actually took place?”

Chronos, a time that is quantitive, is something that we worry about and fear, that there is not enough of it or we have squandered it. Kairos is about the opportune moment, a living time, a wander, a daydream. We are not losing time but making it. This is the important one. 

The British Invisible Mending Service in Marylebone, London - textile repairs

John Keats epitaph: ‘Here lies one whose name was written in water’