I saw the air fly......

I saw the air fly 

In 1994 an ex-wallstreeter started up his company, Cadabra. After a lawyer misheard this as ‘cadaver’, Jeff Bezos renamed the company Amazon.com

Ballard caught its essential flavour when, at the end of the Blair years, he wrote about a politics of “fleeting impressions, [and] an illusion of meaning floating over a sea of undefined emotions”.

guts for garters 

everything seems okay until suddenly it ain’t

Blue de travail clothes dye 

“In America, blackness was about the erasure of your identity in Africa, and the creation of your identity in opposition to whiteness. So blackness has had to be about a constant reinvention of ourselves, even in relation to ourselves” Alvaro Barrington - painter of mixed Haitian and Grenadian heritage. Educated in Hunter College in USA and Slade School of Art, UK

Japanese wives sometimes refer to their retired husbands as sodai-gomi (wet fallen leaf)

We were simply not ourselves

Adam and Eve, Orvieto cathedral, Umbria, Italy