She has beautiful, perfectly formed ears, though looking straight on her right one lies flatter against her head than the left. She often tells me that when she was born the ear was so fine her grandfather thought it looked drawn on, and her mother used to stroke it fondly and pass baby tresses behind it. I think that unborn and undisturbed, perhaps she lay against the uterine wall listening out. All I know for sure is that in our twenty years together, at night in bed she always sleeps on her right side, head pressed hard against the pillow.
His first big word was mutability. His last was smaller, fixed and final….
Reculer pour mieux sauter - retreat in order to advanced further later
Soviet criminals and prisoners would sometimes get large chest and back tattoos of Stalin and Lenin, not out of respect, but to avoid having internal organs damaged during beatings by guards who would not dare touch them.